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2023年5月12日(金)~13日(土) 沖縄県

会場: 沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)



08:30-08:40  めんそーれ沖縄(沖縄県知事 玉城 デニー)
08:40-08:50 Journal of Internal Medicine and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences(Bo Angelin, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Internal Medicine)
08:50-09:00 開会挨拶(Olle Melander, Lund University, Sweden, Editor, Journal of Internal Medicine)
  長寿と健康長寿における疫学的な見通し(09:00-14:00) (15分 講演+5分質疑応答)
09:00-09:30 “The Okinawa Centenarian Study; longevity and challenges related to a westernizing society” Makoto Suzuki 鈴木 信、沖縄長寿科学研究センター
09:30-09:50 “Drug modifiable mechanisms of longevity- from non-vertebrates to mammals and humans?” Brian Kennedy, National University of Singapore, Singapore
09:50-10:10 “Genetic and environmental determinants of longevity-The New England Centenarian Study” Thomas Perls, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
10:10-10:35 休憩
10:35-10:55 “The gut microbiome- key to longevity and healthy ageing” Rob Knight, UCSD, San Diego, CA, USA
10:55-11:15 “Cognitively healthy centenarians- the Dutch 100-plus study” Henne Holstege, UMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands
11:15-11:35 “Mediterranean Diet and healthy ageing; The Cilento Study of Ageing” Salvatore di Somma, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
11:35-11:55 “A new approach to healthy ageing studies - Using digital devices in studies of the elderly” Akiko Kishi Svensson 岸 曉子 and Thomas Svensson、東京大学
11:55-13:00 昼食
13:00-13:20 "The epigenetic clock and healthy ageing" Steve Horvath, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
13:20-13:40 “Twenty years of research on the Blue Zones. An update” Giovanni Pes, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
13:40-14:00 “Exceptional longevity in Okinawa: the more recent trends” Michel Poulain, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
14:00-14:25 休憩
  長寿と健康長寿のメカニズムについて(14:25-15:25) (15分 講演+5分質疑応答)
14:25-14:45 "Clues to longevity from the Hawaii Life span studies" Bradley Willcox, Hawaii University, Honolulu, HI, USA
14:45-15:05 "Macronutrients, ageing and the Okinawa ratio" David Le Couteur, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
15:05-15:25 “Genomic and metabolomic profiles as causes of longevity” Joris Deelen, Max Planck Institute for biology of Ageing, Köln, Germany
15:25-15:30 1日目閉会挨拶(Olle Melander, Lund University, Sweden)


  高齢者における健康長寿推進(09:00-10:20) (15分 講演+5分質疑応答)
09:00-09:20 “Quality ageing of the locomotion system” Noriko Yoshimura 吉村 典子、東京大学
09:20-09:40 “Patient-Centered Deprescribing Interventions to Reduce Polypharmacy and Promote Healthy Aging” Sandra Simmons, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
09:40-10:00 “Mobility Interventions for promotion of healthy ageing in Frail Elderly in the Hospital and Nursing home” John Schnelle, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
10:00-10:20 “Medication reconciliation in several multi-site studies, reduction of medication errors” Amanda Mixon, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
10:20-10:45 休憩
長寿と健康長寿における介入とライフスタイルの変更推進(10:45-12:05) (15分 講演+5分質疑応答)
10:45-11:05 “Diet strategies for promoting of longevity and healthy ageing” Frank Hu, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
11:05-11:25 “Changing from a red zone towards a blue zone-The North Karelia Project” Erkki Vartiainen, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland
11:25-11:45 “A healthy liver, key to longevity and healthy ageing?” David Brenner, UCSD, San Diego, CA, U
11:45-12:05 ”Senolytic drugs for longevity and healthy ageing- data from rodents and translation to humans” James Kirkland, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
12:05-13:00 昼食
  (継続)長寿と健康長寿における介入とライフスタイルの変更推進(13:00-15:00) (15分 講演+5分質疑応答)
13:00-13:20 “Promotion of the physical and mental health of older adults in order to build a society of healthy longevity" Hidenori Arai 荒井 秀典、国立研究開発法人国立長寿医療研究センター
13:20-13:40 “Telomere length as a cause of healthy ageing and therapeutic potential of stem cells” Richard Allsopp, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
13:40-14:00 "What have we learned about interventions and lifestyle change from a half century of research on healthy aging and longevity in Okinawa and other longevity hotspots?" Craig Willcox、沖縄長寿科学研究センター
14:00-15:00 総合討論