
Call for Proposal for Symposiums, Workshops,
Free Meetings (open call) /


Applications are now closed. Thank you for your many submissions.

Call for Symposiums, Workshops, and Free Meetings (Open Call)

(1) Call for symposia, workshops, and free meetings (open call).
Please note that the lecture time and the venue to be used differ according to each
Symposium: 90 minutes (Hall 1: 582 persons)
Workshop 90 minutes (Hall 2: 90 persons or Hall 3: 60 persons)
Workshop 60 minutes (Hall 2: 90 persons or Hall 3: 60 persons)
Free Meetings (Hall 4: 45 persons)

(2) Organizers should apply on behalf of the organizers according to the outline below.
Please note that applications must be submitted via Google foam below.
Title of the project: (Japanese/English)
Outline of the project: In the main language(s) used (Japanese: 800 characters or less, English: 400 words or less)
Deadline: Monday, June 24, 2024  Closed
*Only selected projects will be asked to submit an abstract at a later date.

(3) Eligibility for Application
Applicants for symposiums, workshops and free meetings must be members of either JSTM, JAGH, or TAGHI.
If you are a non-member, please apply for membership. Speakers in the session are NOT required to be members.



  • ・シンポジウム90分(第一会場:582名 )
  • ・ワークショップ90分(第二会場:90名または第三会場:60名)
  • ・ワークショップ60 分(第二会場:90名または第三会場:60名)
  • ・自由集会(第四会場:45名)

なお、応募は下記のGoogle foamからとなります。

  • ・企画タイトル:(日・英)
  • ・企画概要:主な使用言語にて記載(日本語:全角800字以内 英語:400words以内)
  • ・締切:2024年6月24日(月)  終了しました。
  • ※採用された企画のみ、後日に抄録の提出をお願いいたします


Where to apply / 申込先(Google foam):

Management Office
Global Health Joint Convention Management Office, Okinawa Congrès Co.
Nippon Seimei Naha Building, 3-1-1 Kumoji, Naha City, Okinawa 900-0015, Japan
TEL:098-987-6817 FAX:098-869-4252 E-mail:globalokinawa@okicongre.jp

株式会社沖縄コングレ内 グローバルヘルス合同大会運営事務局
〒900-0015 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3-1-1日本生命那覇ビル
TEL:098-987-6817 FAX:098-869-4252 E-mail:globalokinawa@okicongre.jp