If you have any questions regarding the adopted list, please contact Joint Congress of Global Health 2024 Secretariat.
Call for General Abstracts has been closed. Thank you for your many submissions.
Call for General Abstracts: May 24 (Fri.) - July 16 (Tue.)(5月24日(金)受付開始‐7月16日(火)を予定しています。)
Call for General Presentation Abstracts: May 30 (thu.) - July 16 (Tue.) 募集期間:5月30日(木)‐7月16日(火)
Call for General Abstracts extended: Thursday, May 30 - Wednesday, July 31
一般演題の募集期間を延長しました: 5月30日(木)~7月31日(水)
Abstract title: (Japanese/English)
Abstract Summary: In the main language(s) used (Japanese: within 1,000 full-width
characters, English: 300 words within)
Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Closed
抄録概要:主な使用言語にて記載(日本語:全角1000字以内 英語:300words以内)
締切:2024年7月31日(水) 終了しました。
Applicants for general abstracts must be members of either JSTM, JAGH, or TAGHI*1.
If you are a non-member, please apply for membership. Co-presenters are NOT required to be members.
*1 In Taiwan, you may also apply for other Taiwanese conferences. For more information, please contact the Secretariat at globalokinawa@okicongre.jp
*1 台湾の場合、その他台湾の学会でもご応募頂けます。詳しくは運営事務局(globalokinawa@okicongre.jp)までお問合せください。
Contributors are invited to apply at the following address
*If you are a member of both societies, please select one. This will only be used to confirm that you are a member of an academic society.
We will confirm your affiliation with the society by asking you to enter it in the registration system. The registration system will be available in early August.
【English version】
*If you have co-authors, please list their names and affiliations at the beginning of the text
Management Office
Global Health Joint Convention Management Office, Okinawa Congrès Co.
Nippon Seimei Naha Building, 3-1-1 Kumoji, Naha City, Okinawa 900-0015, Japan
TEL:098-987-6817 FAX:098-869-4252 E-mail:globalokinawa@okicongre.jp
株式会社沖縄コングレ内 グローバルヘルス合同大会運営事務局
〒900-0015 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3-1-1日本生命那覇ビル
TEL:098-987-6817 FAX:098-869-4252 E-mail:globalokinawa@okicongre.jp