第60回日本熱帯医学会大会(The 60th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine)


Chairman’s Message

Tetsu Yamashiro, MD, PhD
60th Annual Meeting for the
Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine

It is a great honor to welcome you to the 60th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine, a memorial conference held in a beautiful island Okinawa.

The Society is a member of the Japanese Association of Medical Science and has a long history of research activities on controlling infectious diseases in the tropics and/or subtropical areas, and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. And also, under the name of global health, research topics studied in the society has been extended to malnutrition, maternal and child health, climate change, lifestyle-related diseases among residents in tropical regions and/or low-income countries. Now, the academic area of tropical medicine encompasses basic researches, clinical and epidemiological researches, environmental and ecological researches, and cultural anthropology, and consequently, interacts directly with cultural and economic aspects of society.

The theme of the 60th memorial conference is "One step ahead in tropical medicine: field, bench, in-silico", under which, programs introducing 1) clinical research in tropical regions and multi-point epidemiological studies (fields), 2) basic researches on vaccine development and on understanding the pathogenesis of causative agents of indigenous tropical infectious diseases (bench), 3) studies based on high-performance computers, artificial intelligence, network devices, etc, in the tropics (in-silico), will be prepared.

Okinawa is only one prefecture which enjoys the tropical/subtropical climate in Japan, and shared borders with several East and Southeast Asian countries. In the year 2018, 10 million tourists visited Okinawa and a quarter of which came from overseas, and monitoring on and countermeasures for imported infectious diseases are urgent. In addition, the distribution of infectious diseases and outbreak patterns of them are reported different from those of mainland Japan. On the other hand, lifestyle-related diseases represented by obesity and/or diabetes has been popular on Okinawa. Thus, concerns of tropical medicine and global health are commonly observed in Okinawan society, thus, organizing the memorial conference on Okinawa is of great significance. I am delighted if this conference may serve to provide opportunities to produce new collaborations.

I hope participants enjoy all the programs of the memorial 60th meeting held on beautiful tropical islands of Okinawa which is rich in a unique culture and cuisine.

General Information

Theme of the meeting

One Step Ahead in Tropical Medicine: Field, Bench, In-silico


November 8 (Satellite), 9, 10, 2019


Tetsu Yamashiro, MD, PhD
Department of Bacteriology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus


Okinawa Convention Center

Period of Abstract submission

May 7 – August 15, 2019

Period of advance registration and early payment

June 3 – September 12, 2019

Abstract submission

  • All presenters should submit their abstract through UMIN (online submission system).
  • Presentation styles: Symposium, Workshop and Poster or Oral/Poster Presentation.
  • Symposium (invited speakers): select category 1
  • Workshop (invited speakers): select category 2
  • Poster or Oral/Poster Presentation:
  • All the papers will be presented in the poster session, and some selected papers will also be presented as Oral Presentation in the workshops. Please select your preference. Please note that we may ask you to present in a different presentation format from your preference. (Some abstracts applied as Poster Presentation can be selected for Oral Presentation or vice-versa). Abstracts selection and presentation type will be reviewed and decided by the program committee.
    The decision for poster or oral/poster presentation will be posted on the Annual Meeting web site during September. Visit our website to find out if your abstract has been selected for oral/poster presentation or poster presentation.
  • Select one of the following categories:


  1. Public Health・Epidemiology
    (including Maternal Health、Reproductive health)
  2. International Health
    (including Medical cooperation、International NPO、Global Research)
  3. Travel Medicine/ Clinical case report
  4. Medical zoology/ Vectors
  5. Viral Disease
  1. Bacterial and Fungal Disease
  2. Helminthic and Protozoan Disease
  3. Development of medical supplies
  4. Others

Abstract submission period

  • May 7- August 15, 2019
  • August 29, 2019
  • We closed the abstract submission.
  • Thank you very much for your interest in this meeting.
  • Abstract submission on the UMIN system is available only in Japanese.
    Please click on "How to Submit Abstract" for instruction in English.

UMIN registration system URLs

For Abstract registration.
For Abstract confirmation and revision.

advance registration and early payment

June 3 - September 12, 2019



  • 琉球大学大学院医学研究科
  • 〒903-0215
  • 沖縄県中頭郡西原町字上原207


  • 株式会社沖縄コングレ
  • 〒900-0015
  • 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3-1-1
  • TEL:098-869-4220
  • FAX:098-869-4252
  • E-mail: jstm2019@okicongre.jp